Health Research and the Climate Crisis Towards Sustainable Solutions

Health Research and the Climate Crisis: Towards Sustainable Solutions

Implementing a range of sustainable measures within the realm of health research has the potential to significantly mitigate its substantial carbon footprint, as indicated by a report commissioned by the Wellcome health-research funder.

The urgent climate issue is a growing threat to human health, but it’s important to recognize that health research itself contributes to this catastrophe by using energy and creating waste. A 2011 study found that a single clinical trial can produce 180 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually, which is comparable to the carbon footprint of 35 people in the UK put together. Notably, one of the biggest energy consumers in the sector is cold storage equipment that requires a lot of energy in laboratories. Numerous investigations in the biological sciences demand the long-term storage of materials in freezers and refrigerators, which increases energy usage.Furthermore, the problem of plastic waste is a significant concern. Laboratory research is responsible for producing an estimated 5.5 million tonnes of plastic waste globally in 2015, accounting for almost 2% of the total plastic waste.

Talia Caplan said, “We kind of let a lot slide in health research and practice because we’re trying to help people’s health.”

The report published by Wellcome on August 2nd assessed existing endeavors by health researchers across the globe aimed at reducing energy consumption and waste production. The study identified 146 sustainability initiatives, categorizing them into eight distinct types, including staff networks, campaigns, measurement tools, and certification programs.

One illustrative example is Future Earth, a global network of scientists that champions sustainability initiatives both through its independent efforts and collaborations with funders, thereby raising awareness within the research community. Another instance is the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF), an initiative that grants labs a gold, silver, or bronze certificate based on their sustainability achievements. During a two-year trial involving 23 research sites in the UK and Ireland, this program managed to curtail carbon dioxide emissions by a substantial 648 tonnes. LEAF’s influence has expanded to 85 institutions across 16 countries.

Alarming concerns Allison Hunter, a lab-efficiency resource adviser at Imperial College London, highlights the growing concern among researchers regarding sustainability. The report by Wellcome indicated that most sustainability initiatives are spearheaded by individual scientists who are ardently dedicated to the cause. Virtually all initiatives mentioned in the report were undertaken voluntarily. Nevertheless, Hunter underscores the necessity for coordination and resources even when individual researchers are eager to embrace sustainable practices.

Hunter notes that in Europe, the absence of a standardized system to identify the most energy-efficient lab freezers hinders scientists from accurately gauging their electricity consumption and taking measures to reduce it, without investing the time to meticulously measure their energy usage. Understanding the energy consumption of every piece of lab equipment is a time-consuming endeavor, she adds.

The report advocates for greater support from institutions such as universities, research publishers, and funders for sustainability initiatives. In the United Kingdom, funders are collaboratively creating a national concordat with the objective of embedding effective and long-lasting sustainable practices within the research industry. Caplan affirms that the report will inform Wellcome’s own policy on environmental sustainability for its grant recipients, anticipated for release by the year’s end.

“It’s a complicated challenge, and it’s not easy,”says Caplan. She hopes that the Wellcome report will serve as a foundational point, paving the way for a comprehensive array of tools and practices that can facilitate a transition towards eco-friendly research practices.

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10 Recycling Benefits You Need to Know

Curious about the real impact of recycling? Wondering if it’s worth the effort? As a dedicated specialist in the field, I’m eager to share the ten often-overlooked upsides of recycling. Beyond the familiar environmental benefits, recycling significantly reduces landfill waste and conserves natural resources. But did you know that it also plays a vital role in mitigating climate change by curbing demand for raw materials and lowering emissions? It’s a dynamic process that empowers you to take an active role in the fight against environmental degradation.

But wait, there’s more. In this blog post, I’ll guide you through the environmental and economic advantages of recycling. It’s not just about reducing waste; recycling creates jobs, stimulates local economies, and contributes to global sustainability. Embracing recycling can also lead to a sense of fulfillment as you play your part in preserving the planet. With these ten recycling benefits, you’ll uncover insights that reshape your perspective and inspire actionable change. Get ready to transform your understanding of recycling and make a positive impact.

1. Environmental Triumphs: Saving Resources and Energy

Recycling isn’t just about tossing items into blue bins; it’s a powerful way to conserve valuable resources and energy. Did you know that recycling aluminum cans saves a staggering 95% of the energy needed to produce new ones? That’s like powering a TV for three hours with the energy saved from recycling just one can. It’s a small action with a huge impact, reducing the strain on our planet’s finite resources.

2. Reducing Landfill Load: A Cleaner Tomorrow

Landfills are vast and harmful to the environment, releasing methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Recycling helps alleviate this burden, diverting waste from landfills. By recycling just one ton of paper, you save approximately 17 trees, 7,000 gallons of water, and 380 gallons of oil. Imagine the collective impact when we all contribute to lessening the landfill load.

3. Fighting Climate Change: A Greenhouse Gas Solution

Recycling contributes significantly to battling climate change by curbing emissions. For every ton of recycled paper, 3.3 metric tons of CO2 equivalents are saved. This reduction in greenhouse gases helps combat global warming, demonstrating how your recycling efforts extend beyond the bin and into the atmosphere.

4. Economic Resilience: Creating Jobs and Revenue

Recycling isn’t just a green gesture; it’s a robust economic driver. In the United States alone, the recycling industry generates over $110 billion in economic activity and employs around 757,000 workers. From collection to processing, recycling creates jobs and stimulates local economies, fostering sustainable growth.

5. Resource Conservation: Preserving Natural Wealth

The Earth’s natural resources are finite, and recycling helps safeguard them. By recycling plastic, you contribute to reducing the demand for new plastic production. Every ton of recycled plastic saves roughly 16.3 barrels of oil. This means less drilling, fewer environmental disturbances, and a brighter future for our planet.

6. Community Empowerment: Building Stronger Ties

Recycling not only benefits the environment but also strengthens communities. Initiatives like community recycling programs encourage collaboration and interaction among residents, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for the environment. It’s a simple way to bring people together for a common cause.

7. Educational Opportunities: Raising Awareness

Recycling isn’t just about sorting materials; it’s about educating ourselves and future generations. Engaging in recycling discussions and practices exposes us to broader environmental issues and encourages continuous learning. As we become more informed, we’re better equipped to make sustainable choices in all aspects of life.

8. Energy Savings: Reducing Carbon Footprint

Recycling significantly reduces the carbon footprint associated with production processes. When you recycle glass, for instance, you save energy compared to creating glass from raw materials. Recycling one glass bottle saves enough energy to light a 100-watt bulb for four hours. This small effort makes a big dent in energy consumption.

9. Positive Habits: Cultivating Responsibility

Embracing recycling cultivates responsible habits that extend beyond waste management. It prompts us to consider the lifecycle of products, from creation to disposal, encouraging us to make mindful choices that prioritize sustainability. These habits ripple through various aspects of life, contributing to a holistic, eco-conscious mindset.

10. Personal Fulfillment: Making a Difference

Perhaps the most rewarding benefit of recycling is the sense of personal fulfillment it brings. By recycling, you’re contributing to a larger movement for a cleaner, greener planet. It’s a tangible way to take control of your impact on the environment, knowing that your small actions add up to a collective force for positive change.

Unveil the upsides and embrace the Impact!

Recycling is more than just sorting materials; it’s an investment in our planet’s future. From reducing landfill waste and conserving resources to stimulating economies and mitigating climate change, the benefits of recycling are both far-reaching and deeply personal. So, next time you pause before the recycling bin, remember that your small actions are part of a larger movement that is making a substantial difference. Explore these upsides, embrace the impact, and join the ranks of those who are contributing to a greener, more sustainable world.

By understanding these ten recycling upsides, you’re equipped to make informed choices and inspire others to follow suit. Together, let’s turn the tide on waste and create a brighter, cleaner future for generations to come.

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‘Top 100 Companies 2023’ List!

Sustainability Champions: ‘Top 100 Companies 2023’ List!

The Top 100 Companies supplement from Sustainability Magazine, which ranks the world’s most sustainable companies from Schneider Electric to Polestar, has just been released.

August 16, 2023, LONDON /PRNewswire — The publication of Sustainability Magazine’s coveted Top 100 Companies feature, which honors the sustainability journeys of the greatest corporations in the world, has been long awaited.

The list demonstrates the tremendous difference that can be made when businesses respect sustainability by highlighting the businesses that are consistently making great Sustainability & ESG advancements towards delivering long-lasting benefits.

Ranging from Capgemini and Schneider Electric to ABB and AT&T, we have curated a compilation of leading international enterprises catalyzing transformation within their industries. These companies serve as guiding lights of motivation, showcasing that the harmony of profitability and sustainability is indeed achievable.

To delve deeper into the contents of the Top 100 Companies supplement and to embark on a journey through the remarkable sustainability accomplishments of these worldwide trailblazers, click here.

“Compelling Sustainability & ESG Strategies are vital to the heartbeat & DNA of every major business globally. Having spent time speaking to many Chief Sustainability Officers over the last few months, I think the Top 100 ‘Most Sustainable Companies list is a fabulous example of work being done to combat our current climate crisis whilst addressing areas such as ESG, DE&I, Supply Chain Sustainability, Net Zero, and also future Tech and AI strategies. A big well done to my team at Sustainability magazine and the whole crew at BizClik; the work they are doing is simply ‘best in class across digital media”

Glen White, Founder and CEO of BizClik

“It’s incredibly inspiring to see how these businesses are pioneering change, and leading by example. I’m proud to be part of a portfolio of publications that showcases the very best businesses driving sustainable change, going above and beyond to lessen their environmental impact.”

Lucy Buchholz, Editor in Chief of Sustainability Magazine

With a strong focus on ESG issues, the magazine explores a wide range of topics, giving readers the knowledge and inspiration needed to have a positive impact on the environment and society. Sustainability Magazine, a BizClik brand, is a leading publication at the forefront of sustainability, offering insightful trends and news for businesses and individuals committed to building a sustainable future.

In a world grappling with profound ecological challenges, Sustainability Magazine’s Top 100 Companies supplement heralds a new era of corporate responsibility and environmental stewardship. It encapsulates the notion that sustainability is not merely a goal but an ongoing journey that we must undertake collectively, for the well-being of our planet and future generations.

For latest news on sustainability you can visit Envoybuzz.


Bamboo Magic: Crafting a Plastic-Free Reality for Future Generations

Picture a world where our beloved planet battles the relentless enemy of plastic pollution. Our oceans are choked, our lands are contaminated, and our wildlife is under siege. But don’t worry, for inside the depths of this disaster lurks a tremendous solution—a revolution powered by bamboo, nature’s loyal partner and a symbol of hope in our fight against plastic trash.

Join me on this journey as we explore 12 awe-inspiring and best-selling bamboo products that hold the key to reducing the plastic waste problem in our daily lives. Let us work together to spark a sustainability revolution and pave the path for a greener, cleaner future. Are you ready to make a difference? Let’s dive right in!

The Conscious Consumer’s Dilemma: Plastic or Bamboo Products?

Bamboo Delights: 12 Essential Bamboo Products You Can’t-Miss

Seeking ways to minimize your plastic usage and embrace an eco-friendly lifestyle? Look no further! We’ve created a list of 12 incredible bamboo household products that will aid you in your journey toward sustainability.

1. Bamboo Plates and Bowls

The number one bamboo product on our list is bamboo plates and bowls. Say goodbye to disposable plastic plates and welcome eco-friendly bamboo plates and bowls. These elegant and long-lasting plastic alternatives are ideal for picnics, celebrations, and everyday meals. They are lightweight, easy to clean, and even dishwasher-safe.

If you’re looking for top-quality bamboo plates and bowls, I recommend checking out the following options:

Product 1: This set of bamboo plates and bowls combines sleek design and high-quality craftsmanship, making them perfect for any occasion and meal size.
Product 2: These bamboo plates and bowls are safe, BPA-free, ergonomically designed, and durable—ideal for self-feeding toddlers.
2. Bamboo Toothbrushes

Our dental hygiene routine can contribute to plastic waste, but not anymore! Bamboo toothbrushes are an excellent alternative to plastic ones. These toothbrushes embody environmental consciousness and practicality, featuring biodegradable bamboo handles and nylon bristles.

If you’re ready to make the switch to bamboo toothbrushes, here are a couple of highly recommended options:

Product 1: Eco-friendly bamboo toothbrushes with soft bristles, sustainably sourced handles, and recyclable packaging
Product 2: An Eco-friendly pack of eight compostable bamboo toothbrushes with sustainable handles for comfortable brushing
3. Bamboo Cutting Board

Upgrade your kitchen with a bamboo cutting board, a sustainable and hygienic choice for meal preparation. Bamboo’s natural properties make it antimicrobial, ensuring a cleaner surface while reducing plastic waste. Enjoy a durable and eco-friendly cutting board that also adds a touch of style to your kitchen.

When it comes to bamboo cutting boards, there are a couple of fantastic options available:

Product 1 – Durable and versatile bamboo cutting boards with juice grooves for clean and convenient chopping.
Product 2 – Stylish bamboo cutting board with a handle, three knives, and a knife-mark-resistant surface for effortless food preparation.
4. Bamboo Organizers and Storage Solutions

Keep your kitchen, bathroom, or workspace neat with bamboo organizers and storage containers. From kitchen drawer organizers to makeup organizers, bamboo products offer a sustainable and stylish solution to the clutter. By choosing bamboo organizers, you’re not only reducing plastic waste but also adding a touch of natural elegance to your living spaces.

Here are a few fantastic bamboo organizers and storage solutions that you can consider:

Product 1 – Organize with ease using this customizable bamboo drawer organizer for kitchen or office essentials.
Product 2 – Stylish bamboo lids and an airtight silicone seal keep your dry goods fresh and organized.
Product 3 – Organize your cosmetics sustainably with this elegant bamboo makeup organizer, reducing plastic waste beautifully.
5. Bamboo Cutlery Set

Bamboo cutlery sets are another noteworthy bamboo product on our list. Plastic cutlery is a common source of waste, especially when dining on the go. Switching to a bamboo cutlery set can significantly reduce your plastic footprint. These reusable and lightweight utensils are ideal for picnics, lunches, and travel.

If you’re ready to embrace sustainable dining habits, consider the following bamboo cutlery sets:

Product 1: Durable, antimicrobial bamboo cutlery set: includes forks, spoons, knives, chopsticks, a straw, a cleaning brush, and a carabiner.
Product 2: Eco-friendly and convenient, this bamboo cutlery set is sustainably sourced, biodegradable, and comes with a cotton pouch.
6. Bamboo Straws

Plastic straws are one of the biggest contributors to plastic pollution. Thankfully, bamboo straws offer a reusable and biodegradable alternative. Whether enjoying a refreshing drink at home or on the go, bamboo straws are a sustainable choice. Embrace the eco-friendly revolution and sip your beverages guilt-free with these nature-inspired straws.

If you’re looking for high-quality bamboo straws, I recommend checking out the following options:

Product 1: Eco-friendly bamboo straws with a cleaning brush, a sustainable alternative to plastic for guilt-free sipping
Product 2: Convenient and eco-friendly, these biodegradable bamboo straws are perfect for events and on-the-go use
7. Bamboo Hair Brush

A bamboo hair brush is one bamboo product that might help you eliminate plastic from your haircare regimen. These brushes are not only gentle on your hair but also on the environment. Made with sustainable materials, bamboo hair brushes are a fantastic alternative to plastic ones.

When it comes to choosing a bamboo hair brush, consider the following options:

Product 1: Indulge in this bamboo hair brush set that is gentle on the scalp, promotes blood circulation, and detangles knots without damage.
Product 2: Gentle wooden bristles promote healthy hair, stimulate the scalp, and distribute natural oils for shiny, nourished hair.
8. Bamboo Hangers

Say goodbye to flimsy plastic hangers and upgrade your wardrobe with sturdy bamboo hangers. Not only do they offer excellent support for your clothes, but they also minimize plastic waste. By using bamboo hangers, you help to create a more sustainable fashion sector and have a positive influence on the environment.

If you’re looking for high-quality bamboo hangers, I recommend considering the following options:

Product 1: Elegant, sturdy bamboo hangers with a smooth finish and non-slip notches for keeping clothes in great shape
Product 2: Customize and organize with bamboo hangers: adjustable clips, 360° swivel hooks, and anti-rust durability
9. Bamboo Laundry Hamper

One game-changing bamboo product on our list is the bamboo laundry hamper. Laundry doesn’t have to involve plastic. Opt for a bamboo laundry hamper to store your dirty clothes sustainably. These hampers are not only long-lasting, but they are also naturally resistant to odors and mold.

 With a bamboo laundry hamper, you’re taking a step towards reducing plastic waste problems in your daily routines.

If you’re in the market for a bamboo laundry hamper, consider the following options:

Product 1: Stylish bamboo laundry hampers with a lid and removable liner for easy transport and natural charm.
Product 2: Whitmor’s bamboo laundry hamper: easy to carry, removable liner, compact, stylish—an eco-friendly essential.
10. Bamboo Q-tips

Say goodbye to plastic cotton swabs and say hello to bamboo Q-tips. These sustainable bamboo items provide the same functionality without the waste of plastic. Bamboo Q-tips are biodegradable and come in recyclable packaging.

If you’re interested in trying out bamboo Q-tips, here are a couple of options available:

Product 1 – Eco-friendly 1000-pack bamboo Q-tips with biodegradable cotton ends for sustainable, minimal environmental impact.
Product 2 – Sustainable and chic bamboo Q-tips with biodegradable sticks and organic cotton ends. Plastic-free elegance for daily use.
11. Bamboo Cups

Enjoy your favorite beverages sustainably with bamboo cups. These reusable cups are perfect for both hot and cold drinks. With their stylish designs and eco-friendly materials, bamboo cups offer a practical and planet-friendly alternative to single-use plastic cups.

If you’re in search of top-quality bamboo cups, I recommend considering the following options:

Product 1 – Eco-friendly bamboo cups: sustainable, biodegradable, dishwasher-safe, and perfect for everyday use.
Product 2 – Earth’s Natural Alternative bamboo cups: compostable, renewable, leak-resistant, and perfect for indoor/outdoor use.
12. Bamboo Bottles

Stay hydrated while reducing plastic waste with bamboo bottles. These durable and eco-friendly alternatives to plastic water bottles are perfect for on-the-go adventures. Bamboo bottles keep your beverages fresh and provide a sustainable solution to the plastic pollution problem.

If you’re in search of top-quality bamboo bottles, I recommend considering the following options:

Product 1 – Sip in style with this leakproof bamboo bottle, featuring a stainless-steel interior and removable tea strainer.
Product 2 – Tronco’s bamboo bottle: practical, stylish, with a silicone sleeve, leakproof lid, and convenient handle.

The Bamboo Revolution emerges as a light of hope in a world drowning in plastic trash. By embracing these 12 innovative and sustainable bamboo household products, we become warriors in the fight against plastic pollution. From eco-friendly plates and bowls to toothbrushes and bottles, every choice we make has the power to reshape our future.

Together, let’s ignite a global shift towards a more sustainable lifestyle. Join the Bamboo Revolution and let our collective actions create a lasting legacy of a greener, cleaner planet. Remember, the power to reduce plastic waste lies in our hands. It’s time to take a stand and protect our planet, one bamboo product at a time.

For more such blogs, please visit Envoybuzz

The Conservation Foundation

Grown with Love: The Conservation Foundation’s Journey to Sustainable Abundance

Since its establishment in 1992, The Conservation Foundation has been a leading force in environmental stewardship, operating from the scenic McDonald Farm in Naperville. Spanning across 60 acres at 10S404 Knoch Knolls Road, this nonprofit organization boasts a rich history of safeguarding rivers, restoring open spaces, and championing respect for the environment.

At the heart of The Conservation Foundation’s mission lies an unwavering commitment to sustainability. McDonald Farm stands as a testament to this dedication, featuring an array of eco-friendly initiatives. Among these are the prominent solar panels and a wind turbine that generate approximately a quarter of the farm’s energy requirements.

Russell Cerocke said “We also have a 10,000-gallon cistern of water that collects rainwater off the roofs,We use that to help supplement our irrigation water so that we don’t have to pull out of the aquifer during times when it is rainy.”

Four sprawling greenhouses grace the landscape of McDonald Farm, serving as integral components in the farm’s year-round crop cultivation. These green havens enable the production of crops even during colder months, extending the growing season and redefining the possibilities of northern climate agriculture.

“The greenhouses allow us to provide food a bit later in the fall, and a bit earlier in the springtime,The clear plastic on the greenhouses allow the sun in and keeps the warmth. Throughout the winter, we generally have a variety of greens that are somewhat cold-tolerant. So that really helps us to extend our season here in the northern climate.”, said Russell Cerocke.

McDonald Farm’s commitment to sustainable practices extends to its farm-to-table philosophy, fostering a direct connection between consumers and the land. Cerocke explains the unique approach, “Our program runs 20 weeks long through the summer and folks sign up ahead of time at the beginning of the season,” said Cerocke. “Folks can come in and they’re not getting a premade box of vegetables. They’re able to come and pick somewhat like a grocery store.”

In a collaborative effort with Loaves and Fishes Community Services, McDonald Farm donates over 6,000 pounds of nutritious produce to local pantries each year. Cerocke reflects on this partnership, stating, “That’s one of my favorite parts of working here, Loaves and Fishes has been a great partner for several years. They pick up from us every Wednesday and get that food out to people first thing on Thursday.”

Beyond its agricultural prowess, The Conservation Foundation transforms McDonald Farm into a vibrant hub of community engagement. Noteworthy among these events is “That will feature the Bree Gordon Band and a food truck called Wild Fries from St. Charles, The event is free for the family. Feel free to bring a cooler, some lawn chairs, blankets and camp out for the day.”

To explore the full roster of upcoming events, simply head over to The Conservation Foundation website.

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Coventry Building Society Arena’s Push

Unleashing Sustainability: Coventry Building Society Arena’s Push

As the football season unfolds, spectators can anticipate significant transformations at the Coventry Building Society Arena, where a prominent sustainability initiative is gaining momentum.

Before Coventry City’s home season opener on August 12th, the venue is introducing new packaging, food suppliers, and recycling stations.

It is a component of a venue-wide sustainability Programme designed to lessen the environmental effect of Coventry Building Society Arena.

Beginning with the start of this season, drinks will be supplied to fans in the home concourse in a new, recyclable plastic cup, with plans to provide the same cups for the away end by October.

Collaborating with Event Cup Solutions, the stadium is in the process of introducing the ONE Planet ONE Chance Reusable Cup System.

Fans will not incur any additional expenses or deposits. Instead, designated collection points will be conveniently available across the Arena for cup disposal, allowing for washing and reuse during upcoming events.

Coventry Building Society Arena has adopted cutting-edge disposable packaging for food and beverages in the concourse area in partnership with Notpla and Vegware.

With a material created from plants and seaweed that decomposes organically, Notpla was awarded the Earth Shot Prize in 2022 and offers a biodegradable packaging option. Cutlery consisting of totally sustainable materials, such as plant-based or hardwood composites, will be offered by Vegware.

Fans will also notice that the condiment station now offers bottled sauces instead of disposable sachets.

For enthusiasts of potato chips, a delightful treat awaits in the form of hand-cooked crisps sourced sustainably from Fairfields Farm Crisps. This independent family farm employs an eco-conscious approach by nourishing its potatoes with on-site produced digestate from maize and rye. The farm’s dedication extends to watering plants through self-owned reservoirs and storing potatoes in cold facilities powered by renewable energy.

Around the site, new sustainability-related signs have been placed, and 34 more bins with recycling divisions have also been added.

Coventry Building Society Arena has worked with Go Green to capture and track all of its waste as part of its commitment to long-term sustainability.

The agreement guarantees proper trash disposal, and the stadium also gathers sustainability data from all key suppliers to track their performance.

More than 95% of the waste at the Arena was recycled in the last three months, when the stadium recycled 70.245 tonnes of waste.

By combining supplies to cut down on trips, Coventry Building Society Arena is also striving to lower its internal CO2 emissions. The venue is also looking into long-term carbon offsetting initiatives and will collaborate with the neighborhood to assist its own sustainability initiatives

 “We have been working throughout the off-season to introduce new initiatives across the stadium which will enhance fan experience and reduce the impact we have on the environment.”

Paul Michael (Managing Director at Coventry Building Society Arena)

He further added: “We’re looking at all aspects of our operations to reduce our environmental impact, and from this season fans in the concourse, hospitality and outside the venue will see evidence of changes we have made. This is a venue-wide commitment to be sustainable, reduce our carbon emissions and have a positive impact on our local community.”


The Coventry Building Society Arena is starting an exciting path towards a future that is more sustainable, to sum up. The arena is leading the way for other venues with a number of initiatives focused at reducing its environmental impact. The arena is making major efforts to provide a greener, more responsible space for patrons and the community, from reusable cup systems and eco-friendly packaging to waste management and carbon reduction methods. As the season progresses, viewers may not only take in the exciting games but also directly observe the beneficial developments that demonstrate the venue’s dedication to sustainability.

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Driving Green Change: Mercedes’ Latest Sustainability Report Breaks Down Numbers

Mercedes-Benz, the eight-time Formula One world champions, has stepped into the spotlight by issuing their annual sustainability report, as the quest of sustainability gains pace throughout industries. This detailed 66-page document is broken into three sections that give light on the Environmental, Social, and Governance components of their sustainability approach. Let us go further into the significant improvements highlighted in Mercedes’ sustainability report using the power of data.

Mercedes-Benz’s dedication to environmental stewardship is seen in their impressive accomplishments in lowering their carbon footprint. The table below highlights their accomplishments in the Environmental category:

Environmental InitiativesProgress
Air Travel Emissions Reduction21% decrease since 2022
Waste Management98% waste diverted from landfill
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction13% decrease
Biofuel Freight Trial88% emissions reduction

Mercedes’ use of sustainable practices, such as adopting book and claim and investing in Sustainable Aviation Fuel, is shown in significant savings in emissions and waste.

Through their Accelerate 25 initiative, Mercedes is aggressively building a diverse and inclusive workplace. The figures below show their progress in building an inclusive team:

Social InitiativesMilestones
Under-represented Group Recruitment37% new team members
Female Team Members16.6% increase from 2019
Minority Backgrounds Team Members8.9% as of June 2023
Mulberry STEM Academy Graduates107 students graduated

Mercedes is generating good change within their staff and the larger society by aggressively supporting diversity and investing in educational programs such as the Mulberry STEM Academy.

Hiran Odedra, Mercedes’ Head of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, stated that the Accelerate 25 program is taking “positive steps in embedding EDI in all that we do at our team,” and that they hope it will continue to grow in order to provide opportunities to young people from under-represented groups.

Mercedes-Benz recently established policies and tools demonstrate their dedication to solid governance and ethics. Mercedes wants to ensure openness, responsibility, and moral conduct inside their business through these steps.

Toto Wolff, team principal and CEO of Mercedes, said: “We will continue to invest in initiatives that will help us become more sustainable and, as a team, we know it’s vital that we approach this challenge in the same way as we approach everything: as a race to the finish line.”

“Our aim is to always raise our standards and set the benchmarks within our sport and outside it. I am incredibly proud of our team and the work being implemented to meet our ambitions and to better understand our impact on the world.”

“There is still so much more that we want to achieve, and we’re committed to delivering innovative initiatives to meet our goals in 2023 and beyond. The race is on.”

To learn more about the Mercedes sustainability report, click here.

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Bamboo benefits

From Bamboo to Beautiful: 5 Amazing Hair Benefits of Bamboo Extract

Are you tired of dealing with hair damage caused by harsh chemicals and artificial ingredients? It’s time to give your hair the care it truly deserves. In a world filled with countless hair care products promising miracles, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But what if I told you that nature holds the key to unlocking the beauty of your hair? Yes, you heard it right!

I am talking about bamboo extract for hair, a remarkable natural ingredient that has the potential to transform your hair into a crowning glory. With its high silica content, bamboo extract for hair growth offers a gentle and effective solution to nourish and revitalize your locks. In fact, bamboo leaves contain approximately 70% powered silica, a crucial mineral known for its remarkable benefits for hair, skin, and nails.

If you are intrigued and eager to explore the wonders of bamboo extract, you have come to the right place. In this blog, I will tell you about the extraordinary benefits of bamboo extract for your hair.

Strengthens Hair from the Roots:

I have found that incorporating bamboo extract into my hair care routine has been incredibly beneficial. Bamboo extract contains a high concentration of silica, an essential mineral that plays a vital role in enhancing the well-being of your hair. It helps promote collagen production, improve hair elasticity, and reduce brittleness. Since I started using it, I have noticed a significant reduction in breakage and an overall increase in hair strength. 

Nourishes and Moisturizes the Scalp:

A healthy scalp is vital for maintaining vibrant hair. Bamboo extract for hair contains natural moisturizing properties that help nourish and hydrate the scalp. It helps restore the scalp’s natural pH balance, preventing dryness, itching, and dandruff. By using hair products enriched with bamboo extract, I’ve experienced a soothing and revitalizing sensation on my scalp, leading to improved hair health.

Promotes Hair Growth:

If you want longer and thicker hair, bamboo extract for hair growth can be your secret weapon. Thanks to its high silica content, bamboo extract stimulates hair growth and encourages the development of healthier strands. Bamboo silica plays a vital role in supporting the absorption of essential nutrients in the hair follicles, promoting a conducive environment for faster hair growth. 

The incorporation of bamboo extract into my hair care routine has left me astonished by the incredible results it has produced. My hair has visibly grown longer and has gained remarkable fullness, which has given me a newfound sense of confidence. Discovering the benefits of the bamboo extract can transform your hair, giving you newfound confidence like never before.

Enhances Hair Shine and Luster:

Who doesn’t want shiny, radiant hair? The bamboo extract has natural properties that enhance hair shine and luster. Smoothing down the hair cuticles aids in the reflection of light, resulting in a glossy and dazzling appearance. Additionally, the bamboo extract contains antioxidants that protect the hair from damage caused by free radicals, pollution, and UV radiation. Prepare to witness a radiant transformation in your hair within a few weeks of incorporating bamboo extract into your routine.

Adds Volume and Thickness:

For individuals with thin or fine hair, incorporating bamboo extract into their hair care routine can be a game-changer. This remarkable natural ingredient enhances hair volume and thickness. Bamboo extract adds volume and texture to the hair by nourishing and fortifying the strands. The outcome is vibrant, voluminous hair that feels and looks fantastic. Personally, I’ve experienced a substantial increase in hair volume and density, leading to a significant boost in my confidence.

Remember, healthy hair begins with proper care and quality ingredients, and bamboo extract for hair is unquestionably a hair care superstar.

With its exceptional properties, the bamboo extract has proven to be a game-changer for my hair’s overall health, strength, and appearance. From strengthening hair roots to promoting growth, nourishing the scalp to enhancing shine, and adding volume to thin hair, the bamboo extract has ticked all the boxes. If you’re looking to elevate your hair care routine, I highly suggest giving bamboo extract a chance. Trust me; you won’t be disappointed!


Q1. How do you use bamboo for hair?

A bamboo extract can be used for hair by consuming powdered bamboo extract orally twice a day, pairing it with complimentary combinations of other ingredients, or including it in your hair care routine.

Q2. Is bamboo good for OILY hair?

Yes, bamboo extract is best for oily hair. It is known for its scalp-soothing properties and improves blood circulation in the scalp, strengthening hair follicles and promoting the growth of a thicker mane.

Q3. Is bamboo good for frizzy hair?

Indeed, bamboo extract proves to be highly beneficial for frizz-prone hair. The bamboo extract helps hair retain moisture making it look shiny and healthy. It also helps prevent frizz caused by humidity or dryness. It also makes hair robust and smoother.

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A Must for Every Student

Sustainable Learning: A Must for every Student

In today’s world, the concept of sustainability has taken center stage as we grapple with complex environmental issues and their far-reaching implications. Teaching students about sustainability goes beyond textbooks—it cultivates a mindset of responsible decision-making, ecological awareness, and social consciousness. By incorporating sustainability into the curriculum, we provide students the knowledge they need to appreciate the delicate balance that exists between human demands and the health of our planet. In addition to preparing students for a future defined by environmental concerns, this knowledge gives them the tools they need to be agents of change in their local communities and beyond.

Starting with the soon-to-begin 2023–2024 academic year, all students at India’s universities will be required to take courses in environmental education and climate change in order to graduate, in accordance with guidelines from the University Grants Commission (UGC), the country’s higher education apex body.

The Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations will be covered in the new course.

Following a directive from the Ministry of Education, the UGC recently instructed universities and colleges to add an environmental studies core requirement to all undergraduate programmes, including general engineering, medical, architectural, pharmacy, and management, among others.

The new environment education curriculum, according to the UGC, will cover subjects like climate change, sustainable development, conservation and management of biological resources and biodiversity, pollution, sanitation, waste management, and the preservation of forests and wildlife. It will also be multidisciplinary.

Previously given as an elective or optional course, environment education will now be a core topic where students will place a greater emphasis on practical knowledge and aspects than theory.

According to the UGC, institutions would have freedom to decide how to teach the subject.

However, it was also said that the design of the courses should be focused on volunteerism and community involvement, a practical awareness of environmental problems, and ‘value-based’ education to teach students about environmental conservation and sustainable development.

The UGC states that the suggested credits for the course can be acquired over the period of six to eight semesters.

High-level committee had prepared a blueprint for environmental education in line with the recommendations of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which stresses environmental education and making students more aware via field work and community engagement.-recently said by Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar.

The integration of Environmental education

The mandatory course, according to many academics, represents a significant advancement in the integration of environmental education into the general educational system.

Many academics have observed that the environment has taken on a priority role as a result of the extreme weather events that India has experienced in recent years, including significant loss of life and property, extreme heat waves, unprecedented floods and excess rainfall, landslides, glacier bursts, etc., which are thought to have been caused by climate change and environmental imbalance.

According to some experts, the course can give students a greater comprehension of the science underlying environmental challenges as well as the resources to address them.

“The effectiveness of a compulsory course would depend on what the course covers and how it is covered “– said by Nagraj Adve (founder member of Teachers against the Climate Crisis)

He further said: “Certainly, I think it seems to reflect the fact that the environmental issues are affecting us, and the crisis is deepening. So, there’s a need for students to build awareness beyond what they might learn in senior (high) schools.”

He told University World News, “This is something that’s needed,” adding that climate change subjects also needed to be included in the curriculum, in a thorough and specialized approach. He said: “Students could be made aware of carbon taxes and similar topics that are linked to the economy.”

Numerous Indian universities already provide diploma and degree programmes in environmental science, environmental management, and related areas.

One of the first institutions in Asia to introduce an undergraduate programme in climate science was Kerala Agricultural University’s College of Climate Change and Environmental Science. In 2010, they began a five-year integrated BSc-MSc programme in climate change adaptation. In 2020, they transformed it to a four-year BSc in Climate Change and Environmental Science.

Dr P O Nameer, dean of the College of Climate Change and Environmental Science told University World News:

“Even before the world seriously started thinking about the challenges of climate change, Kerala Agricultural University went many steps ahead by starting this academic programme, thereby training quality manpower, many of whom are now placed in institutes of excellence within and outside the country and thus serving mankind.”

Nameer continued, stating that environmental sciences and climate change also needed to be covered on school curricula.

“It is extremely important that we start similar undergraduate programmes in all the major Universities across the country as we need a huge quantity of trained manpower in the days to come to handle the challenges being faced due to Climate Change.”

An official from the Ministry of Education said, speaking anonymously because he was not licensed to speak to the media, that it is essential to teach pupils about environmental issues and strategies for preserving the environment using a variety of mediums.

He said: “Environmental Studies is not a typical course pertaining to a particular stream (of studies)”

In a rapidly evolving world, empowering students with sustainability knowledge is our compass toward a greener future. As we embrace this transformative journey, let us cultivate a generation committed to safeguarding our planet, driving change, and inspiring a harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature.

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sustainable Canada

Sustainable Canada: Introducing Momentum Ventures & INSAT Initiative!

The newly launched Initiative for Sustainable Aviation Technology (INSAT) by the Canadian government has received assistance from Momentum Ventures, a Canadian venture capital firm. The INSAT, which was supported by a sizeable $350 million investment from the Strategic Innovation Fund, is evidence of Canada’s dedication to promoting green transformation in the aerospace sector.

In recent times, the importance of adopting sustainable measures across industries has become more apparent. One sector that has faced notable scrutiny is aviation, mainly due to its substantial impact on carbon emissions. There is some optimism, though, as Canada moves in the right way with the Initiative for Sustainable Aviation Technology (INSAT).

Green Transformation with the INSAT Initiative:

The recently revealed Initiative for Sustainable Aviation Technology (INSAT) is proof of Canada’s commitment to sustainability and a greener aerospace sector .This programme is positioned to affect good change in the aviation industry thanks to a sizeable $350 million investment from the Strategic Innovation Fund. INSAT focuses on important issues such moving to cleaner fuels, new aircraft designs, alternative propulsion technologies, and improved aircraft support infrastructures.

Support from Momentum Ventures

Momentum Ventures, the parent company of FlightHub and Justfly, is delighted and motivated by the INSAT project.

Momentum Ventures’ vision for an aviation future characterised by environmental responsibility and INSAT’s thorough methodology are perfectly compatible. Momentum Ventures CEO Matt Keezer excitedly proclaimed his company’s support for this ground-breaking endeavour.

The Environmental Consequences of Aviation

Understanding the environmental effects of the aviation industry is vital before digging further into the relevance of INSAT. According to the David Suzuki Foundation, the aviation industry is responsible for around 12% of all transportation-related emissions. In addition, carbon emissions from the aviation sector increased by 75% between 1990 and 2012, and predictions indicate that emissions may quadruple by 2050. Given these alarming figures, it is even clear that sustainable solutions are required.

Transforming Canada’s Aviation through Climate Action

The Aviation Climate Action Plan 2022-2030 was published in autumn 2022 by Canada’s Minister of Transport in response to the escalating environmental issues surrounding the aviation sector. A strategy for achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 is laid out in this strategic plan. The adoption of new environmentally friendly aerospace technology, which will pave the way for a more sustainable future, is a crucial part of this agenda.

Sustainability is Momentum Ventures’ top focus, and the company is actively involved in a number of green projects. One of these programmes, called Drive Green, incentivizes employees to use more environmentally friendly transportation by covering their monthly electric vehicle expenditures. Momentum Ventures also encourages employees to take public transport as an alternative to driving by paying for their monthly permits. There is potential for an aviation industry transformation with the joint efforts of industry players, creative businesses, and government programmes like INSAT. The necessary shift to a cleaner and greener aviation sector is anticipated to be fueled by teamwork and a commitment to sustainable practices.

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